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the human toll of instant delivery

Leon Neal/Getty Images Europe via The New York Times Content warning: The piece linked from this post discusses miscarriage. I listened to this piece from The Daily nearly a month ago, and it's been haunting me/on my mind ever since. It covers what happens behind the scenes of the shipments people like me receive from companies like Amazon. It talks about the working conditions in the warehouses that churn through the packaging of goods we order on the internet. It discusses the ever-quickening pace of capitalism, which (purportedly) benefits consumers, but at grave expense to the employees doing this work and to the rights of workers.  I'd love it if you'd listen. And talk to me about capitalism. Talk to me about how we value (or don't value) the lives and wellbeing of people behind the scenes of shiny purchases. Especially when it comes to poor and otherwise-marginalized people.

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